Saturday, 1 March 2014

Why this blog?

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

We all have quotes that inspire us, these two always hit home with me. Our world is a great and amazing place with so much to see and learn and take part in. Humankind can be amazing.

While I was in primary school in the 80s  it seemed like people were trying to change things for the better as they wanted the same cool things that were around then to be there for their kids and grandkids. Now, 25 years later, I have a family and I am frustrated by how the pace of change seems to have slowed or sometimes even goes backwards. We seem to be dealing with things that should have been put to rest years ago. With worldwide travel being so easy and so much information at our fingertips no matter where we are this seems kinda crazy.

Humankind can be the opposite of amazing. Whether for apathy, money, greed, religion or politics, things seem to have stalled. There is so much good going on and so many people fighting for the causes they believe in, but it is being counterbalanced by people either not caring, thinking they can not change the world or by 'stronger' powers like money and politics. I know I am literally shocked and disgusted by some of the things I hear about that are happening now, today.

The idea of this blog is to make it easy for people who care to do something about what they care about. I aim to put info on here to help people find a quick, easy way to do something good. Corporations have money and lobbyists to get their say, we have online petitions and people power. Even if you life a busy life then this blog will give you ways to get involved. What's your excuse not to?

Throughout history things have only got better when people have taken a stand. Very few things happen because politicians and corporations suddenly see the light. Voting rights, environmental protections, personal freedoms and so many others things only changed when we acted. People are winning these battles every day. Even if we don't win we have to keep going so that the powers that be know how we feel.

I welcome any comments from anyone about anything on this blog. I doubt many people will ever read it but I do not believe in personal attacks. You do not know me. Comment on my beliefs but do not judge as I do not judge you. We may be more similar than you think and I think most people have a range of beliefs that do not fit into a neat category.

*I do not believe all corporations are evil. A lot do a lot of good. I do believe that few things are perfect though and that even the best people need the impetus to make a change sometimes. I believe economic growth is important to a certain extent but also that there is no way this means people should just be able to do whatever they want. Some of them need bigger pushes than others. If making money is their sole reason to be then can we honestly believe they will always act in any other best interest than their own. History is full of examples proving this. Those companies that used to pollute Europe and the US now pollute other countries where protections are less, we buy cheap cloths because people do not earn enough money to live. This is not market forces or someone elses problem. It is wrong.

**I will try to keep specific politics and some difficult issues out of here, not to avoid them but so as to appeal to as wide a range of people as possible. I believe that no matter what political or religious beliefs people have the vast majority of people are good at heart and want to help people less fortunate than themselves, want to leave this planet is as good a state as possible and want things to be fair

1 comment:

  1. THis is a good idea, Nick. I remember how glad I was to learn that students at your school have started a recycling program for the school. A practical improvement for the environment and a hope that that will start a life time of the habit.

    Tonight I spent some time signing the online petitions you sent me. Thanks for doing that.
